The AUS model is designed to fit each student’s educational needs. Students are prepared to successfully complete state mandated tests. The curriculum is aligned with the Ohio Competency Based Model. The AUS focus is to ensure that each student who graduates is prepared for one of the 4 E’s:
Teachers integrate culturally-specific historical contributions to humanity, world civilization and the global economy.
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How to Earn a Credit
Credit Flexibility:
Credit Flexibility provides options for students with high school standing to earn graduation credits through alternative ways outside of regularly scheduled classes. All Credit Flex options must be generated and planned by students according to the provisions and process outlined in the AUS Credit Flexibility Handbook and Application.
Credit Recovery:
Credit Recovery provides options for students who are behind in credits to get back on track and graduate on time. Students receive an Individualize Learning Plan to outline goals and objectives to ensure students will remain on track.
Direct Instruction:
Direct Instruction is daily classes taught by Highly Qualified Teaching staff.
Independent Study:
Independent Study is classes designed for self-directed students. Students receive a syllabus and learning materials and move through the course at their own pace with regular guidance from a teacher.
Online classes through a Web based program Apex, students can complete classes in major subjects and electives.
Ohio Graduation Test:
Students who need to pass the OGT only will receive classes to prepare them to pass the test only.